Rabu, 27 April 2016

Tugas Softskill B.Inggris 2 (Modal Auxiliaries)

Nama: Rusita Marina
NPM  : 16215305
Kelas : 1EA28

1.      Can
      è Finally, I can finish my homework

2.      Could
è They could solve the problem yesterday

3.      Had better
è He had better change his hair style

4.      May
è   May I go to toilet just for a minute ?

5.      Might
è My uncle might buy a new doll to his daughter

6.      Must
è Clara must take a rest for three days because she looks so pale

7.      Ought (to)
è   You ought to study English now

8.      Shall
è We shall visit Anyer Beach next month

9.      Should
è   What should I do to help you ?

10.  Will
è   I think they will win the dance cover competition

11.  Would
è   I would see the music concert, but I don’t have money

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